Server Rules
Keeping In Character - This relates to the character you’re portraying whilst in City and the communications you’re using within roleplay. This can also include /twt, /anontwt and the use of ‘Snapchat’ in Discord. You should stay in character when involved in a ‘scene’ to keep the roleplay as realistic as possible.
Metagaming - Using information gathered ‘out of character’ as an advantage to your in-game character in order to manipulate a roleplaying scenario (such as being in Discord with a friend, feeding them information and not wearing an earpiece or object to represent how you can talk to them in-game).
OOC - Out of character, this meaning anything not related to the character that you are roleplaying in-game (so anything in real life or not in-game would be considered OOC).
RDM - Meaning Random Deathmatch. This is essentially killing a person with no valid reason or very little (or no) roleplay to support the situation at hand (such as running up to another person and stabbing/shooting them without talking to them or trying to engage in any sort of conversation etc).
Powergaming - Using unrealistic actions to benefit yourself in a roleplay situation, or not giving another person the chance to roleplay properly.
Note: You are not allowed to mug, kill or attack the National Health Service while they’re on duty. They are passive players and can not be harmed since their primary objective is to give medical attention to the population. However, if they give an attitude or are rude towards you then you’re within your rights to challenge them as they are not “God’s Gift” and are not immune from being put in their place if it is warranted.
VDM - Vehicle deathmatch, essentially using your vehicle as a weapon in an attempt to injure or kill another player. This would also include smashing into other vehicles at high speed for no reason and choosing not to roleplay it out.
Value of Life - This is roleplay, you’re not hard in real life so don’t try and be hard here. You’re not going to punch someone in their face if they have a gun in your face, you would fear having a firearm pointed at you. Act as if you would in real life, not how superman would - If someone has a gun at you, you’d comply and fear even if you do claim to be unarmed.
Racism - Any form of racism in the voice/text chat on the server is not allowed. This simply results in a permanent ban from all our server’s platforms.
Cop Baiting - Intentionally bothering/harassing law enforcement in order to cause trouble/get chased. The police aren’t here to babysit you, don’t annoy or harass them. This also includes Intentionally Ramming police cars you will be instantly put in jail for 2 hours without questioning (for example; ramming police cars in a chase when you are not involved in the chase and are not the person being chased yourself).
Traffic Stops (POLICE)People who do not comply at traffic stops and have zero intent to RP will be deemed as FailRP. One example of this is when at a traffic stop, when an officer has pulled you over and as they approach the car and you drive off without any intent to RP or any interaction at all. Whilst in a traffic stop, cease communication with gangs/friends and do not request others to attend the scene you are in.
Tasers (POLICE) When tased by the police you must be fully incapacitated after a maximum of 2 taser hits if you do not follow this you are both Failing to RP injuries and failing to fear the tasers.
Common Courtesy - This rule is in place to ensure everyone has a safe and fun experience on our server. This rule is intended to mean that you should treat others how you would want to be treated. This means no bullying, personal attacking, etc. This shouldn’t be a toxic place to players In-character and Out of Character, everyone should feel welcome here.
NOTE: This rule especially applies to your attitude towards our staff. They are not here to be walked over by you, you can and will be punished for giving attitude or simply being unpleasant towards them when they are here to help you.
Roleplay Fear - You need to roleplay fear instead of going around acting like a god. You’re human and you can die, act like it.
NOTE: If police are around, you won’t be pulling out a firearm or other weapons trying to rob/take someone hostage. Just because you see only one Police Officer doesn’t mean there is only one. They have a radio with plenty of personnel at their disposal simply by hitting a button. Failure to fear the police will result in punishment, you aren’t the Godfather, stop acting like you’re untouchable.
Fail Roleplay - A broad term and can encompass many different meanings but generally speaking when a player does something which in the real world would be generally unthinkable to the majority of people. This includes talking while dead.
GTA Driving - Driving off-road in a vehicle that doesn’t have off-road capabilities, e.g. taking a ferrari and going up hills and mountains.Generally just driving unrealistically for the car/vehicle you’re in at the time.
Helicopter Airspace - You cannot land a helicopter in the middle of the road as it is dangerous and unrealistic. NPAS and the Air Ambulance follow the same rule and must request MET Police to block off the road in order to land there.
NOTE: Helicopters cannot be pulled out of public garages as it is dangerous for members of the public. If the Police are requested and special permission is granted then they can block off the garage and a person can take off/ land safely.
Keep it Clean - This is the rule regarding any non-child friendly words/phrases being used in the chat platforms in our community such as in-game voice, in-game chat, or our Discord platform. This is to keep the chat relatively clean for users who are under the age of 18. For example, if you are doing sexual roleplay then you must keep the roleplay as clean (or do it in private) as possible for those around you so that you can try and not offend others with your roleplay scenes.
Whitelisted Vehicles - Vehicles for the Metropolitan Police are unable to be robbed randomly within the city. In order to steal a police vehicle, it must be done within roleplay and during a scenario. Other whitelisted job vehicles (such as NHS and Kwik Fit) are still off limits and unable to be stolen regardless of being within roleplay or not
Hostage Rules - If you decide to take a hostage for any kind of robbery then this person can not be anyone you are in communication with or running around with. This makes the scene fair for everyone, including the police since if this person was a member of your crew or friend then the police would have to direct more resources to handle you and then the hostage who may or may not be a part of the robbery and have materials from said robbery on them.
NOTE: When you take someone hostage (/takehostage or /th), you are not able to drive a vehicle. Basic common sense, it’s not realistic to be driving while you’re holding someone. Roleplaying that you put them in the back seat or boot is a different story and is allowed in this case as long as it’s roleplayed properly.
NOTE: If a hostage has not been shown or introduced to the police on arrival then they have all the right to storm the building with lethal and non-lethal alternatives to attempt and subdue you for your crimes. In addition, if no present threat towards the hostage (i.e; gun to the head), moves can be made to intervene safely.
Police Stop Roleplay - If you are in a chase with the police, and the police have fired shots at you first. Then you have a right to SHOOT BACK at the police. DO NOT shoot at the police if no shots have been fired.
Status of Firearms - Every firearm is allowed to be taken by the police, we roleplay this as London. You are not going to be able to walk around with a firearm in the city of London without police intervention. Just because you have a firearms license does not equate you being able to carry the firearm on the streets, this merely means you can possess a firearm in your private property.
NOTE: There must be a minimum of 6 Police Officers on duty at one time to be able to take an officer hostage. Please bear in mind that the police station cannot be robbed and the stashes cannot be accessed.
Impersonating a Whitelisted Job - You cannot impersonate or claim to be part of a whitelisted job if you are not a current serving member. If you need specific permission to be on a whitelisted job for RP purposes then you MUST speak to the Boss of said Whitelist and gain authorisation in writing and let a government member know so we’re aware.
GTA Punching - You are not allowed to click or “swing” your fists or a weapon at someone unless you are genuinely within 0.5 metres of the person, if you click while about five metres away, Grand Theft Auto will take over and launch you towards the target despite not being near them. This is not an acceptable form of combat on the server and is just genuinely unfair to everyone else. This rule also covers spam punching in the game, it’s not allowed.
Exploitation - Using any form of in-game exploit to benefit yourself on the server (abusing the scripts in a sense), examples can be seen as using an emote to break through a wall or using a fire extinguisher to start a robbery.
Paycheck Farming - This is where you intentionally go away from the keyboard (AFK) to not play the server and just farm your paychecks. You need to earn the money, not just sit around and get it..
Killing Law Enforcement - Killing police (the MET) is allowed, however, it does need to be done in a roleplay manner. For example, if you are told to kill the police within your external knowledge you must identify what the outcome will be to the police officer. Before you do kill the police officer, proper roleplay must be involved, such as something like “stop or you'll be shot” or “hands up now” and if the police officer refuses to do so and you have him/her either at gunpoint, outnumbered or you are within 1 metre of them with a melee weapon you are able to kill that police officer.
Robbery Rules - Just because you have a firearm against someone’s head does not instantly give you the right to kill them during a robbery. If a person complies during a robbery then they may not be harmed, however, if they are non-compliant or put up a fight then they can be harmed. The same rules apply for police, robberies are not kill-on-sight zones, the only difference is that the police are able to fire the first shot.
NOTE: You cant be going off road when doing robbery rp this is for it to be fair on everyone as the police can not combat this.
NOTE: You cannot steal ANY PD weapons. This includes taser and any police issued Firearms but excludes nightstick or flashlight.
NOTE: Random robbing is not allowed, you must have a valid reason for robbing someone (them being lippy, etc). Refrain from robbing people out in public as it’s generally not realistic to rob people in broad daylight. Just use common sense when trying to rob someone, don’t do it in public around so many people, etc.
NOTE: Two people minimum are required in a car for a robbery, if you do not comply with this rule then you will be warned and the robbery will be cancelled.
NOTE: You need at least two (2) people for a bank robbery, but no more than eight (8) people.
NOTE: You need at least two (2) people for a jewellery robbery, but no more than five (5) people.
NOTE: You need at least two (2) people for a shop robbery, but no more than five (5) people.
Driving Suspension - If you have lost your driving licence due to suspension and receive a driving ban then you ARE NOT allowed to change your character name and do your driving test again. This factors into fail roleplay and is not tolerated.
Driveby Shooting - The driver of any vehicle (including bikes) is not allowed to shoot from the vehicle unless the vehicle is at a COMPLETE stop, however, the passengers of a vehicle may shoot from the vehicle as long as the car is going (45) miles per hour or slower.
Broken Vehicles - If you are in a high speed collision with someone and crash your car into a building or any solid object that stops your vehicle from working you cannot repair your vehicle and carry on driving or even get out of the car and run off due to the fact you will have some serious injuries. In the event that you crash your car into a solid object at excessive speeds over 150-200 even if the vehicle does not break down, you must stop and roleplay the situation. For example, picture yourself driving a car at 200 Mph and you crash head on into a stone wall or a building, there is a 99% chance that you are dead or seriously injured, this rule applies for ALL people and jobs on the server.
Roleplay First, Report Later - If you feel as if someone has broken one of our rules during a role play situation, we advise you to role play it out and report later with evidence (screenshots, videos, etc). Staff will review the report and handle the issue and give any sort of compensation if required. This is a role play server, we don’t want staff constantly getting involved mid-scene.
Stream Sniping - If you are caught using a player’s stream to track them or harm/rob them, you will be put in jail for 24 hours.
Aim Assist - Aim assist/aimbot in any sense is not allowed on our server, if you are caught doing this and someone clips it then you will be banned for a week with no chance to appeal. It’s not hard to tell who is using it and who isn’t.
Item Giveaway - Item giveaways would be seen as you giving other players your items (money, drugs, weapons, etc) for free for whatever reason (leaving, taking a break, etc). This would ruin our economy and could easily turn into an unfair advantage for other players if someone else just gets X amount of items for free without doing anything. Please do not do this or it will be met with punishment and those who are given items will have them taken off of them immediately.
Combat Logging - Intentionally disconnecting or forcing yourself to time out from the server during combat is considered combat logging and is not allowed on the server.
Scamming - Under no circumstances are you allowed to scam another person. This is strictly against server rules and you will be permanently banned from our community if caught scamming other community members.
Donation Vehicles - You are not allowed to sell vehicles you’ve donated for, you can only straight swap them for another donation vehicle.
Line of Contact - The Line of Contact rule is in place to reduce the load on senior administration. This simply means that players should submit a ticket first instead of directly requesting/tagging a specific staff member. If it is deemed required, your ticket will be escalated to the appropriate person.
Item Refunds - Items (such as weapons, drugs, etc) will not be refunded unless the person requesting said refund has proof of them losing the item due to a rule breaker, hacker, etc. We will not refund items without video/picture evidence of the item being lost in the manners mentioned previously. We are not liable for your PC having issues or you being kicked due to your ping. All evidence should be uploaded to a third party site (Imgur, YouTube, Gyazo, Streamble) so a link to said evidence can be brought into your refund ticket.
Clip Evidence - In order for the government to be able to take action you MUST have a clip to provide in a ticket, the clip must be at least 5 minutes long so we can see the build-up before the incident.
NOTE: For items to be refunded, all evidence MUST be provided in the ticket in the form of a link or URL to it. We will not enter channels to screen share, we need the ticket to have the evidence logged for future inquiries by lead administration.
Custom Crosshairs If you are caught using crosshairs, you will be placed on a 3 day cooldown as it gives you a better advantage.
Green Zone Rules - You are not allowed to kill within a Green Zone if a person has just respawned there after being killed and are running to go get a car from there nor are you allowed to take people hostage or carry them to take them out and rob them. If you are running/retreating to a Green Zone in order to try and avoid a consequence then the RP will continue and any actions will be allowed to continue if this is the case.
All Green Zones will be monitored closely by staff and we expect all players to do their part in ensuring the roles are followed within these zones. Any rules broken within these zones will result in a warning or ban from the community.
Current Green Zones include the hospital.
New Life Rule - Upon death you lose your memory and are unaware of the cause of death, you are then unable to take revenge on the person that killed you unless you have been reminded. To be reminded you must have a friend see you getting murdered in person and watch it happen
Player reports - All rulbreaks must be reported a maximum of 24 hrs after the incident. After 24 hrs, no action will be taken against those involved unless it's a SEVERE offence like modding.
Suicide Roleplay - roleplay revolving around suicide and other things such as this are not allowed due to the sensitivity around the subject.
Red Zone Rules - In regards to Red Zones there are strictly NO EMS or MET Police presence within these zones. Red Zones are also areas where Kill On Sight (KOS) is authorised. It is down to the gangs to control the red zone in terms of what goes on therefore there should not be any assists or tickets coming from the Island (unless it is to do with a modder). If you rob someone in the red zone you may NOT kill them afterwards.
Current Red Zones include Cayo Perico.
If you die in the red zone and are forced to re-spawn due to people hiding your body, or camping it you are NOT entitled to a refund and these tickets will result in instant closure and/or a warning. The red zone is the only place in the city you may KOS (Kill on sight) no where else will this be permitted and could result in warnings, and/or bans. If you are caught using ID’s to gain an unfair advantage you will be punished accordingly.
NOTE: If you die in the red zone and are forced to re-spawn due to people hiding your body, or camping it you are NOT entitled to a refund and these tickets will result in instant closure and/or a warning.
Roleplay End Of Life - This means that once you have been killed and medics get you up or you have respawned then you are not to return to the scene if it is still active whether it be an improvised scene or a planned gang war etc.
Maintaining immersion - Unless you’re involved in the scene in some way, or have been brought into it by the original members leading the role play then you’re not to interrupt the immersion and experience of an on-going role playing scenario